Mixed Medium Art

Arrow Divider

I am a water-colorist fascinated with weaving paper in a 3D way.

This woven horse is one of the many illustrations I am creating in my book for young children, “Before There Was You” Adventures of Real Wild Thing

Even The Sky Cries 3.5ft x 5ft

This painting grew out of an original hopeful song called “I Have You,” written and dedicated to all people being trafficked.


Spirit Horses 3ft x 5ft

I have been blessed by Lakota Ancestors and Creator God that speak through me, provide visions, and influence my work. These cap rocks in the vast badlands of my homeland are places to potentially see both real and spirit horses.

Cap Rock Detail

Battle On Cap Rock 10in x 14in

This piece focuses on Native American colors that represent all of humanity--black, yellow, red, white. It features an overhead view of badland mounds and 3D paper teepee, headdress, buffalo, and lances


Battle On Cap Rock Detail